Happy Release Day!

Sword of Trust is the long-awaited sequel to Sword of Forgiveness from Debbie Lynne Costello’s Winds of Change Series.

Trust, is a double-edged sword. It wields both ways.

Deirdre Mackenzie has spent her life hiding from her father and hating the English. However, when she is caught stealing from an English laird, his unexpected kindness begins to melt away her hatred and strums lonely heartstrings longing for love.

Bryce Warwick discovers the “boy” caught with his livestock is actually a young woman. After several attempts to lure the truth from her, he determines she is as deceitful as his late fiancée who nearly cost him his life. But the woman is the least of his worries with the turbulence brought on by threats of another border war and by King Richard’s distrust of the nobles.

With old wounds in need of healing and adversaries who would ruin their chances at true love, both must learn to trust in a way they never knew possible.

The stakes are high, secrets prevail, and treason is just a kiss away.

Debbie and Trigger

Debbie Lynne Costello is the author of Sword of Forgiveness, Amazon’s #1 seller for Historical Christian Romance. She has enjoyed writing stories since she was eight years old. She raised her family and then embarked on her own career of writing the stories that had been begging to be told. She and her husband have four children and live in upstate South Carolina with their 4 horses, 3 dogs, a miniature donkey, and 6 pekin ducks.

Welcome Debbie! It’s a pleasure to have you here. Also joining us is Bryce and Deirdre from Sword of Trust.

Bryce, do you have a secret and if you do, what is it?

Bryce: I think we all have secrets, things we would like to forget and hope no one ever finds out. But for you to ask me what it is, well then ‘twould not be a secret any longer so I would not be answering your question would I?

Deirdre: He is avoiding answering your question.

Bryce: No I’m not. If I told you my secret, it is no longer a secret.

Deirdre: Go ahead and ask the next question. If you ask me I will give you a real answer.

Okay, Deirdre, if you could do one thing and succeed at it, what would it be?

Deirdre: One thing you say? Weel, we ken I am already better than Bryce with the bow, I believe I would like tae be best in the land.

Bryce: ’Tis not a true statement, Deirdre, and well you know it.

Deirdre: ’Tis my question tae answer, Bryce.

Well then, Bryce, what is the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?

Bryce: Why do I get all the undesirable questions? Deirdre, did you go through these first?

Deirdre: And again he attempts tae avoid the question.

Bryce: Nay, I will answer. ’Twould be when I was wounded and was not feeling well due to blood loss. When I was accused of swooning while being stitched up.

Deirdre: Michael swears ’tis true.

Deirdre, what is the hardest lesson you ever learned?

Deirdre: Oh, guidness. That could be many things. I believe that would be trusting the Lord in all things. Even the difficult things that one would rather take into their own hands.

Bryce, What is your biggest accomplishment?

Deirdre: See there. That is a vera guid question you received.

Bryce: Aye, ’tis. I would say my biggest accomplishment was winning this lass for my wife.

Deirdre: Awe, Bryce. ’Tis sweet of you tae say. And now I must be guid the rest of this interview.

Deirdre, What is the thing that annoys you the most about Bryce?

Deirdre: Did you really have tae ask me that after Bryce’s last answer?

Bryce: Now look who is avoiding the question. I would like to know what I do to annoy you as well.

Deirdre: I think would have tae be when he does no’ allow me tae do something I wish tae do.

Bryce: In my defense, dear wife, the only time I have had to insist on such things is when you have lost your head and put your life in danger.

We seemed to have hit a touchy subject. Let me ask Bryce two more question. What was a defining moment in your life?

Bryce: Losing my parents and nearly losing my own life. I went from a knight with little responsibilities, a man who enjoyed life and worried about little, to a baron, lord, owner of Rosen Craig and responsible for hundreds of people’s lives. Aye, a very defining moment.

One more question for you, Bryce. What’s your personal motto?

Bryce: Honesty is important to me. It always has been, but after the betrayal, I think it became more ingrained in me. My personal motto would be, A man is only as good as his word.

Deirdre: And I can tell you from personal experience, that goes for a woman as well.

Bryce: Aye, ’tis true.

Thank you for taking the time to visit with us today and we will see you again in Sword of Trust.

Leave a comment below for a chance to win an ebook of one of Debbie’s books! If there are 10 comments, you’ll get a choice of format.
The contest is running until March 30.

For more chances to win, stop by these other great blogs and leave a comment.

March 16thFaith And Books

March 17thSunnie Reviews

March 18th Simply Susan

March 19th Cross and Cutlass

March 20thOlder and Smarter

March 21stTome Reviews By Elizabeth (@t.r.b.e) • Instagram photos and videos

March 21st  – Anne Payne Blog

March 22ndThe Sword and the Spirit

March 24thReading Is My SuperPower

21 thoughts on “Happy Release Day!

  1. Thanks for having me on your blog, Amber! I’m so excited about Sword of Trust finally releasing. It was way too long in coming!

    1. Hey Kimberly!!! It’s good to meet you! I hope I have a new reader and you love my books! I enjoy getting immersed in the setting and the characters. I hope you enjoy them as well!

  2. Thank you Amber! I am interested in this book! I am going to check out her previous work – I did a little scouting on Goodreads…

    1. Thank you, Kim. As I mentioned to Kimberly, I hope I have another new reader! And I hope you will love my books. I enjoy writing them but even more I hope others enjoy the mystery and suspense I weave in them.

  3. I like to read medieval books the most, it is unfortunate that there are only a few writers of that time period. I look forward to reading your books.

    1. Judi!!!! Yay! Kindred spirits! I LOVE the medieval time period. I know many people think it is a dark time period, but it does not have to be written that way! It is such an interesting time. I really enjoy writing in it.

    2. My sentiments exactly! I’m thankful for Debbie and her desire to bring the medieval genre to the Christian fiction world.

  4. Hi Debbie Lynne–I loved Sword of Forgiveness and I’m looking forward to reading this second book. Sweet interview with Bryce and Deirdre. I am looking forward to their story. Blessings…

    1. Thank you, Kay!! I enjoyed writing Sword of Forgiveness. I was surprised but I enjoyed writing Sword of Trust every bit as much. One of the secondary characters was a hoot to write.

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